CHAZ releases first international tourism video
The Democratic Republic of Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (aka CHAZ/CHOP) is so far advanced that they have already moved past...
The Democratic Republic of Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (aka CHAZ/CHOP) is so far advanced that they have already moved past...
Democratic socialist presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders has been extremely critical of the governmental response to the coronavirus outbreak and the...
Democratic socialist presidential candidate Bernie Sanders flew to Italy before the travel ban goes into effect to assure dying Italians...
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a warning recommending people ration their toilet paper in...
Democratic socialist presidential front runner Bernie Sanders says he's sick of the corruption in government and that he's "pretty sure"...
GOSHEN, IN – With Bernie Sanders cleaning up in the democratic primaries, voters around the country are split about whether...
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders stood by his defense of Fidel Castro's communist regime, stating bluntly: "The truth is the truth." He took...
As the deadly socialism pandemic spreads across the globe, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued...
Socialism? Yuk. Gulags, mass murder, mass starvation, deprivation everywhere, disease. That's not a pretty picture to present to potential voters....
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is known for her brilliant economic insight such as promoting socialism and the prohibition of cow farts. She...