Justin Trudeau came out of his hole and saw his shadow so will spend another 6 weeks in quarantine


OTTAWA, CANADA—As is the new custom for Groundhog Day, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau poked his head out of the hole he’s been hiding in and saw his shadow, so he’ll be spending another six weeks in quarantine.

The move came while a massive protest of truckers is ongoing in the nation’s capital, spurred by Trudeau’s vaccine mandate.

“I saw my shadow and jumped,” Trudeau said in a press conference. “I nearly had a heart attack, so yeah, I’ll be spending another six weeks in quarantine.”

Support for the trucking convoy protest is pouring in worldwide. Hundreds of truckers from the United States are slowly making their way to join the protests, while truckers from the Netherlands, Germany, Australia and many other parts of the world show their support for the organization online.

Leaders around the world have taken the Punxsutawney Phil tradition of predicting the weather to also predict how long people will need to quarantine.

The process is approved by the CDC, which also issued official mood rings to determine which COVID variant you have.


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