Arsonists blame climate change for making them set hundreds of fires in Australia

Several certifiably woke celebrities used their platform at the Golden Globes to fight climate change, which had clearly caused the horrible fires throughout Australia.
And it turns out they were totally right.
Police have arrested over 200 people for lighting those fires across Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania in the past few months. All of them have claimed they are not guilty by reason of climate change.
“I’m not guilty,” one alleged arsonist Bindy Dilecto said. “It was all climate change. Climate change made me do it!”
“The link between arsonists and the deadly fires that devastate Australia every summer is well known and well documented, with the rate of deliberately lit fires escalating rapidly during the school holiday period,” authorities said.
But blaming climate change is something new.
“It’s the perfect scapegoat!” Dilecto added. “Who can deny it?”
Climate activist Greta Thunberg has denounced climate change for the destruction in Australia. “One way or another climate change did this!”