Baltimore working tirelessly to clean up their reputation instead of their rat infestation

Baltimore residents took to the streets and to social media to clean up their reputation in the wake of the rat infestation story.
“We’ve been working day and night to clean up our reputation as a rat-infested city,” resident Dwayne Smith said. “We don’t really mind the rats, but we don’t want other people to know we don’t mind the rats.”
The effort comes after a Twitter feud between President Trump and Baltimore Representative Elijah Cummings.
The president’s tweets took aim at Democratic Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings, who has been very critical of the administration’s immigration and migrant detention policies, calling his home district in Baltimore “rodent infested.”
The Baltimore Sun’s editorial board published a scathing op-ed later in the day that simultaneously waved off the city’s rat problem while calling Trump a rat. “Better to have a few rats than to be one,” blared the headline.
When asked if Baltimore should be cleaning up the city instead of their reputation, Smith replied, “What are you racist?”