Beto O’Rourke named prestigious AR-15 Salesman of the Year

Democratic presidential hopeful Robert “Beto” O’Rourke was just named the prestigious Armalite AR-15 salesman of the year, an honor that will certainly go far for the candidate’s campaign.
“We are pleased to be named by Armalite as the top salesman of the year,” O’Rourke’s Campaign Director Billy Kidd said. “We believe that this will go far with our voters as a serious endorsement.
The honor was conveyed after O’Rourke prompted hundreds of thousands of firearms sales after claiming, “Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15s and AK-47s,” in the latest Democratic circus debate.
Delaware Democratic Sen. Chris Coons, who has endorsed former Vice President Joe Biden, told CNN on Friday that he thinks the plan plays into the talking point from Republicans that “Democrats are coming for your guns” and said that he thinks the proposal isn’t “wise.”
Kidd responded by saying, “Well we just got a major endorsement from a major American gun manufacturer, so there!”