BLM rejects Marxism once they find out Karl Marx was an old white guy

By now every sentient being is well aware that Black Lives Matter has absolutely nothing to do with Black lives. In fact the original name of the organization was going to be, “We just hate Honkeys and Crackers and want all of ’em to go back to Europe or whatever”, but it was too long. And besides, if BLM was interested in any Black lives at all they would be sending the armed Rhode Scholar goons from CHAZ/CHOP to Chicago to protect the 7-year-olds from being cannon fodder.

GT has learned that the most important thing on their agenda is the takedown of the economic engine of Western Civilization, aka Free Market Capitalism, and replace it with ‘communal aggregations of people of color working together to bring about an economic revolution where Black people lead the way and control all financial activity’. Is it us or does the communal thing sound like the beginning of the word,….hold on, we’re thinking…..oh, yeah, Communism.

GT sent it’s crack team of reporters to interview the leadership of BLM to see what they’re all about. We first ran into Hawk Newsome who recently claimed that “We’re gonna burn everything down. Now do we mean literally or not. Well, ok, we mean it literally but don’t tell anyone I said that cause my Momma gonna slap me silly if she find out”. Naturally, BLM disavowed any knowledge and claimed he was just some random white guy in “Tanface”.

Now BLM was all about Marxism, until one of our reporters pointed out that the dude was an old white guy who wasn’t ‘into’ people of color. Well, that’s a bit of an understatement. He was a blatant white supremacist who despised ‘negroes and Jews’, felt negroes were an inferior race and should be bred out of existence.

Once we pointed that out to BLM they were a bit nonplussed to say the least. As they said, “If them white people like capitalism then we gotta hate it cause we hate white people.” Eventually, a compromise was reached where they were OK with Capitalism, but it had to be under ‘Free-Market Communism’. Uh-huh.
We wished them well with their out-of-the-box thinking and just started drinking heavily at our first opportunity. We suggest you do the same.