Brave US women’s soccer team kneels during entire Olympic match, loses 303-0


TOKYO—In perhaps the bravest virtue signaling to date, the entire US women’s soccer team took a knee during before their Olympic opener against Sweden to protest the horrible oppression in the Unites States and stayed on their knees throughout their entire game early Wednesday. The US women lost 303-0.

The women’s soccer team has been kneeling before games in the qualifiers for the Olympics, but that wasn’t good enough. They decided to step up the wokeness

While their performance didn’t get them a win, they will receive a gold medal in the Oppression Olympics.

“We thought that the best way to make a statement during the Olympics was to kneel during the entire game,” star player Megan Rapinoe said. “And I think we proved our point.”

The Associated Press also reported that players from Sweden and Great Britain players knelt before their games but no other players knelt throughout the actual game. 


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