Fauci now recommends face masks over your eyes so you can’t read his leaked emails

WASHINGTON, DC—A treasure trove of emails from National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Director Dr. Anthony Fauci’s were made public this week by Genesius Times after a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.
The emails lend insight into the thought processes of the unscientific, egomaniacal bureaucrat and Fauci has since released a recommendation for face masks to be worn over everyone’s eyes so that they don’t read the emails.
“You really want to put the face mask over your eyes entirely so that there’s no way you can read the emails I sent to people telling them that they don’t need face masks and that COVID likely originated in a lab even though I publicly stated the opposite over and over again,” Fauci said.
The emails showed that Fauci’s NIAID, did in fact fund gain-of-function research on the coronavirus at the Wuhan Institute, which Fauci denied.
But, you’re not allowed to look at these emails. CNN said it’s illegal.
Originally published June 3, 2021.