Mark Ruffalo and Ramy Youssef demand Israel stop bombing innocent babies in Gaza so the Gazans can go kill innocent babies in abortion

HOLLYWOOD—In a move that has left political analysts scratching their heads, Hollywood actors Mark Ruffalo and Ramy Youssef have come out swinging against Israel’s military operations in Gaza, but not for the reasons one might expect. Rather than expressing concern for the loss of innocent lives or the escalation of violence in the region, Ruffalo and Youssef have instead focused their ire on Israel’s alleged interference with Gazans’ access to abortions.
In a joint statement released on social media, the duo decried Israel’s “barbaric attacks” on Gaza and called for an immediate cessation of hostilities. “The people of Gaza deserve the right to access safe and legal abortions without fear of Israeli aggression,” the statement read. “It is unconscionable that Israel would continue to bomb Gaza and denying women the basic reproductive right to kill their own babies they are entitled to.”
The statement has drawn support from both sides of the political aisle, with many accusing Ruffalo and Youssef of drawing attention the very real suffering of the people of Gaza. “The greatest injustice in Gaza right now is that women don’t have access to abortion to kill their own babies.”
Ruffalo and Youssef have remained steadfast in their advocacy, even going so far as to organize a virtual fundraiser to support organizations providing reproductive health services in Gaza. “We refuse to stand idly by while Israel continues to oppress the people of Gaza,” the actors declared. “It’s time for the international community to take a stand and demand justice for the women of Gaza.”
As the conflict in the region shows no signs of abating, it remains to be seen whether Ruffalo and Youssef’s intervention will have any tangible impact on the situation on the ground. But one thing is for certain: in Hollywood, even the most serious issues are fair game for satire.