Multi-millionaire with three homes lectures Americans about ‘not taking more than what you need’

CHICAGO — In a heartfelt and humbling address at the Democratic National Convention, former First Lady and multi-millionaire Michelle Obama, who owns three luxurious homes, urged Americans to live modestly and “not take more than what you need.”

Speaking from the stage at the convention in Chicago, just a short drive from her $11.75 million waterfront mansion in Martha’s Vineyard, Obama passionately called on the American public to embrace simplicity and restraint.

“We all need to do our part to ensure that everyone has enough,” said the former First Lady, whose real estate portfolio also includes a $1.65 million home in Washington, D.C., and a $2.5 million property in Chicago’s Hyde Park. “It’s about fairness, it’s about sharing, it’s about recognizing that we don’t need to take more than we need.”

The audience erupted in applause as Obama explained how living a minimalist lifestyle has always been a core value for her and her family. “We’ve always believed that you shouldn’t accumulate more than necessary,” she added, carefully omitting the square footage of her various residences.

Obama’s speech was well-received by Democratic leaders and attendees, who nodded in agreement as she advocated for wealth redistribution and cutting back on excess. “It’s important that we all reflect on what we really need and consider giving up some of the luxuries that many of us enjoy,” she said, while wearing a designer outfit reportedly worth several thousand dollars.

In closing, Obama reminded everyone that true fulfillment comes not from material wealth but from the connections we make and the impact we have on others. “At the end of the day, it’s not about what you have, but what you give,” she said, before heading off stage to her private jet, ready to take her back to one of her modest abodes.

As the convention wrapped up, attendees were left inspired by Obama’s words and ready to reexamine their own lives—right after they booked their next vacation to Martha’s Vineyard.


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