New York Governor Cuomo wears pink to celebrate all the female babies he’s going to kill


In a proud moment for all women, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo wore a pink tie and has instructed the World Trade Center to light up with the color to celebrate all the female babies he’s going to kill in a new bill legalizing abortion up to the point of birth.

“This is a big step for women in our country,” Melissa Jackson said of the bill. “Even the ones that are going to diet because of it.”

Many constituents were ecstatic about the bill and the tie.

“Mr. Cuomo is very pro women as his signing a bill to allow millions of innocent women—maybe even more than men—to be killed!”

The bill will also allow for non-doctors to perform the mutilation and killing of innocent female babies.

“That makes a lot of sense,” Dr. Shitfer Braynz said. “The most important thing is that there is some soul-less person who is willing to dismember innocent human lives—regardless of how much medical training they have.”

Cuomo signed the bill on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, a Supreme Court decision that completely bypassed the right to life enshrined in the Constitution and common sense.

“Real men wear pink to celebrate killing innocent women,” Jackson said.


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