President signs executive order making Feb 30th ‘Joe Biden Day’

WASHINGTON, DC—In a bold move aimed at reshaping his legacy and silencing his critics, President* Biden has signed an executive order designating February 30th as “Joe Biden Day.” The announcement comes amidst a flurry of negative press and growing skepticism about the President’s leadership.
White House spokesperson, Dee Mencha, took to the podium to clarify the President’s intentions behind this unprecedented declaration. “President Biden feels he is unfairly portrayed as a mere puppet of the Obama administration and not given the credit he deserves for his own accomplishments,” Mencha explained. “By establishing ‘Joe Biden Day,’ he aims to carve out a special place in history for himself and ensure that his legacy is remembered.”
The decision to choose February 30th for this commemorative day raised eyebrows, considering the date’s nonexistence in the Gregorian calendar. However, according to Mencha, this deliberate choice symbolizes the President’s determination to defy conventional norms and forge his own path.
“President Biden refuses to be bound by the constraints of traditional calendars,” Mencha declared. “February 30th represents a break from the past and a bold step into the future—a future where Joe Biden’s contributions to our nation are celebrated and honored.”
Reaction to the announcement has been mixed, with some praising the President’s initiative and others questioning the necessity of dedicating an entire day to his honor. Nevertheless, February 30th will now be marked on the calendar as a day to reflect on the achievements and impact of the Biden administration.
As America prepares to observe its newest holiday, citizens across the country are encouraged to take a moment to acknowledge the significance of Joe Biden Day and ponder the President’s contributions to the nation—however fleeting they may be.