Pro-Illegal Immigration Advocate Outraged Over Line-Cutter at Starbucks

DENVER—A Colorado-based pro-illegal immigration advocate, Ira Nee, was incensed when a man cut the line at Starbucks. The incident has sent shockwaves through the political and conspiracy theory communities, with many people expressing their fear and unease about the possibility of hypocrisy and political desperation.
“I mean, it’s just not fair to the people patiently waiting in line for overpriced coffee, and some guy just goes right to the head of the line and gets served,” said Ira Nee, who spoke on condition of anonymity. “Where is the justice?”
But not everyone is convinced, and many people are calling Ira Nee’s outrage a self-serving compromise, arguing that it is impossible for justice to be served if people are allowed to cut in line.
“This is ridiculous,” said one skeptical observer, who spoke on condition of anonymity. “How can anyone think that it’s a good idea to complain about someone cutting in line, and then claim that justice is served?”
Despite the backlash, Ira Nee remains defiant, and he has vowed to continue protecting the American people from the dangers of line-cutters.
“I know that this is a risky strategy, but I believe that it’s the right thing to do,” said Ira Nee in a recent interview. “We cannot allow line-cutters to destroy our way of life, and I am committed to doing everything in my power to ensure that it is not.”
In the end, only time will tell whether Ira Nee’s decision to speak out against the Starbucks line-cutter was just or unjust, but one thing is certain: this bizarre and outlandish story is sure to inspire a new generation of conspiracy theorists and political opportunists, and to remind us all that sometimes, the most effective way to fight injustice is to simply make things up as one goes along.