Several unemployed actors you’ve never heard of threaten to leave Twitter over Musk takeover

SILICON VALLEY, CA—It’s getting bad at Twitter after several ugly, unemployed actors that you’ve never heard of have threatened to leave the platform now that Elon Musk has taken over.
“I’m done. I can’t stand the idea of people being able to speak their mind,” said Shonda Rhimes said.
Rhimes, who is Busta Rhymes sister, said that she would come back if Musk put the federal government back in charge of what was on Twitter.
Several other celebrities that everyone thought were dead also have threatened to leave.
“I can’t stand to see things like #Pelosigaylover and #Nuremberg2 trending on a platform that I care so much about,” Téa Leoni said. Leoni—no relation to Cofevfe Leoni, last worked in 1997 as a Hooters girl in the least popular Jurassic Park film, Jurassic Park.
Twitter users are heartbroken.
“I really looked forward to reading what Rimes and Tea Leonardo had to say,” avid Twitter user Hugh Janus said.
“I guess I’ll have to go back to MySpace,” Janus added.