Biden touts abortion as ‘mostly peaceful’

SCRANTON, PA—Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden defended abortion and its largest US provider Planned Parenthood as “mostly not murder” in a CNN townhall.
Biden fielded the question from a socially distant audience member, “How do you reconcile your Catholic faith, which expressly forbids abortion without your support of Planned Parenthood, which is the nation’s largest abortion provider?”
After 5 minutes of repeating, “C’mon man! You know me. Here’s the thing. C’mon man!” Biden explained that he supports Planned Parenthood is “mostly not murder.”
“The thing is is that Planned Parenthood is a great service provider. Yeah, they may kill an innocent baby every once in a while, but they provide pap smears and pedicures. I mean c’mon man! I had a pedicure at the local Planned Parenthood the other day, it was wonderful!”
Mainstream media outlets have fact-checked the claim and found that abortion is indeed mostly peaceful.