BREAKING: Biden to replace Fauci with Dr. Jill Biden

WASHINGTON, DC—After hearing about the departure of Dr. Anthony Fauci from the NIAID and government service, President* Joe Biden promised to replace him with someone who has much more medical experience than Fauci: Dr. Jill Biden.

“I thought about appointing Dr. Pepper or Dr. Dre, but really, no one in this country is more smarter medically than Dr. Jill Biden,” Biden said.

He made a point to state that nepotism did not affect his choice.

“I mean, I picked my son Hunter to head the Food & Drug Administration. I didn’t do that because he was my son. I did it be cause he was the best candidate since he has so much experience with food and drugs—mainly drugs,” Biden said.

Dr. Jill Biden, PhD is a doctor is bovine excrement and has had significantly more experience in medicine than Fauci, who has had no experience in medicine.


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