BREAKING: Nashville Bomber died from COVID-19 shortly after blowing himself up

NASHVILLE–Authorities on the scene of the Nashville Christmas Day bombing said that the perpetrator died from COVID shortly after blowing himself up.
“We’ve come to the conclusion that an individual named Anthony Warner is the bomber. He was present when the bomb went off and then he perished from COVID-19 shortly after being incinerated in the blast,” said Don Cochran, US attorney for the Middle District of Tennessee, first reported by Stew Peters.
DNA taken from the scene was matched to Warner by forensic analysts, Tennessee Bureau of Investigation Director David Rausch said at the news conference.
Warner, 63, of nearby Antioch, Tennessee, had already been identified as a person of interest in the explosion of a recreational vehicle in downtown Nashville on Christmas morning. It’s not clear where Warner contracted COVID-19 from.
Multiple vaccines for the disease have been released to the public and the first recipients are feeling great.