BREAKING: Planned Parenthood pledges 1 dollar to Black Lives Matter for every POC aborted

Sometimes a man can be confronted by stunning bravery. Other times he finds himself at odds with the bravely stunning. In this case, I very well may have gazed into the void of the stunning bravely stunnery (is that even a word?)—and come out on the other side a monster.
It all began with the the usual self referential declarations by Planned Parenthood of the value of #BLM and Black Lives Matter showing some love back to PP. Then PP promised to really show the black community how seriously they take black lives by setting an abortion mill in every minority community in America.
But even this wasn’t enough to signal to wealthy white suburbanite women of PP’s mission to cull the black community, there are still purses being clutched around working class black men on Rodeo Drive you know.
So now, a landmark agreement has been reached between Black Lives Matter and Planned Parenthood. From now until “true social justice has been realized” PP will donate a nice cool greenback dollar to BLM for every Person of Color abortion they perform.
What better way to show the black community how much they matter than snuffing out their future for nice cool George Washington’s? Isn’t this so progressive and socially just? This is like utopian thinking on a Bill Gates kind of level! Insert your favorite pet justice project by destroying entire demographics of people now!
I for one am excited about the initiative. Planned Parenthood and Black Lives Matter, showing the value of POC lives with cold, hard, cash. Fight the Power my brothers!