Communist tweets “Death to Capitalism” on iPhone while slamming down Big Mac

An ardent socialist and vocal proponent of “full communism” has recently tweeted, “Death to CAPITALISM!!!”
Stephen Loseritz, 7th year gender studies student at the University of Wisconsin, posted the convincing political argument from his iPhone at a Madison shopping mall minutes after purchasing a Big Mac from the food court.
“Those fat capitalist pigs just hoard wealth,” Loseritz claimed. “We need to take all of their money and private property and redistribute it to people like me.”
Loseritz also wore a hammer and sickle T-shirt that he found on sale through
“Those Wall Street criminals don’t do anything for us. I mean, they basically stole all their money. There are people out there struggling to survive—I mean what am I going to do with a gender studies degree? I can’t live on minimum wage working at Starbucks.”