Cuomo to put armed violent felons in nursing homes to fight gun violence
ALBANY, NY—New York Governor Andrew Cuomo plans on killing 15,000 elderly people with gun violence in the next coming months in a new plan announced this week.
“We’re going to do with gun violence what we just did with COVID,” Cuomo, who won an Emmy for his role in “How I Killed Your Grandmother” said in the conference.
The plan, which will move thousands of drug-addicted violent felons with loaded guns from prison to the rooms of elderly nursing home patients across the state, starts next week.
“Someone has to protect the elderly who are weighing down our health care system,” Cuomo stated. “And by protect, I mean kill.”
Estimates between 10 to 15,000 elderly died directly from Cuomo’s COVID policy.
“Just like we did with COVID, New York is going to lead the nation once again with a comprehensive approach to combating and preventing gun violence, and our first step is moving violent criminals in with grandma,” Cuomo said.