BREAKING: Epstein Island sold to wealthy Middle Eastern businessman Haadid Nahkil Muhssef

NEW YORK—A wealthy Middle Eastern businessman Haadid Nahkil Muhssef has purchased Jeffrey Epstein‘s pedophile island for $56 million, according to evidence uncovered at the Ghislaine Maxwell trial. The purchase comes months after the controversial financier committed suicide while on suicide watch in a New York jail.
Not much is known about Muhssef except that he has many ties to the same people that Jeffrey Epstein did.
It is reported that Bill Clinton took the first flight on Muhssef’s plane to the island after purchase and streamed live from the island for his address to the Democratic National Convention.
Clinton promised that nothing illicit is going on there, even if it had in the past.
“This is a completely new ownership, so there’s nothing like the all that kinky gratuitous sex with underage blonde girls like Lindsay or . . . Mackenzie or Leighanne. None of that,” Clinton said.
Locals say Epstein was flying in underage girls long after his conviction for sex crimes—and authorities did nothing to stop him. “It was like he was flaunting it,” says an employee at the airstrip on St. Thomas. “But it was said that he always tipped really well, so everyone overlooked it.”
ABC has refused to air this story.
Originally published on Genesius Times 11/12/2019