FBI says ‘the Big Guy’ in Hunter’s emails was comedian Louie Anderson not Joe Biden

WASHINGTON, DC–Emails by the Federal Bureau of Investigation reveal explicit conversations between Hunter Biden and the comedian, Louie Anderson they say closes the case on the mysterious laptop.
Hunter B.: I luv u Louie, where do your ideas come from?
Louie A.: Yeah, Hunter, they just pop into my head the way that last 10% was supposed to show up in my account.
Hunter B.: Well, it’s on the way ‘Big Guy’ which is what I always call you.
Louie A.: Oh yeah, yeah and it’s quite obvious I am the ‘Big Guy’ because I am so big. Like fat big.
Hunter B.: So, any money that is found to somehow come from me to you, maybe sometime in the way past, was for cocaine, right? Remember?
Louie A. Oh, yeah, yeah, sure. Pounds of it and that stuff ain’t cheap. Sometimes an ounce can cost a million… maybe even more.
Hunter B.: Yeah, yeah and it gets lost in the mail, yeah.
Louie A.: Okay, well, the ‘Big Guy’ signing off now, see you later.
The FBI says there are dozens of references by many comic friends of Louie Anderson referring to him as ‘The Big Guy’, unfortunately, all recently deceased, and a photo showing a performance of Anderson as the ‘Big Guy’ was found by the White House and sent over.
Now that the mystery is solved, the FBI says they have closed the case of the probably still was a hoax, Russian laptop.