Feminist athletes enjoying tidying up and warming bench for new transgender stars

Feminist athletes across America and Europe are thrilled about the prospect of biological males who identify as women joining their teams. With a clear edge in performance, these transgender stars are destroying all competition and the feminists a so happy for them.
“I used to be the lead scorer on our team,” Simone Bouviere said of her soccer squad. “But now I mainly warm the bench and pick up the water cups of the transgender players. Isn’t it great what they’re doing for inclusivity?”
Once transgender stars were allowed into the various leagues because love, it has been off to the races to see how many biological men you can fit into your women’s team.
Feminists everywhere are celebrating the latest stage in a movement that proves that women are equal to men.
“You see!” Feminist athlete Jillian Quill said. “Women are just as good as men and these biological men who identify as women prove it!”
Sasha Rocky, formerly Bert Jones of the Swiss national team said that crushing all competition makes her feel much more accepted. “I simply was not accepted as a man. I kept losing and failing tryouts for teams, but now that I’m a woman, I dominate, and feel very strong and accepted.”