Hunter Biden, Adam Kinzinger to star in new Netflix film Ghost II: The Ghost of Kiev

HOLLYWOOD—Austere artist and international businessman Hunter Biden will be expanding his repertoire by staring in Ghost II: The Ghost of Kiev.
Netflix has started filming the sequel to the 1990 smash hit Ghost and will wrap up post production just in time for the end of the Ukraine war.
Biden said that 10 percent of the proceeds for the film will “go to the Big Guy.”
US Representative Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) is putting in his hat to play the love interest of the Ghost.
“I would like more than anything to play the Ghost’s love interest. He has absolutely owned the Russian army, so you could say I’m a bit of a fanboy,” Kinzinger said. “But I really only want to play the part if we get to remake that pottery love scene. I want the Ghost to own me like he owned those Russians. Well, not the exact same way, obviously.”
Netflix is also wrapping up a documentary about the War of January 6th that will be released this month.