#IBelieveHer campaign calls it quits ahead of Biden presidential bid

The #IBelieveHer movement was a strong catalyst against conservative figures like Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh during his nomination process.
But ahead of creepy “Uncle Joe” Biden’s presidential bid, the sexual abuse awareness campaign has decided to call it quits.
“We really don’t have anyone to believe anymore,” Cynthia Potts, President of the #IBelieveHer Foundation. “So, we’re going to stop pushing the whole ‘I believe her’ thing.”
Claims of sexual harassment by former Vice President Biden have already started to surface, including one from a former Nevada State Representative Lucy Flores, who claims Biden creepily kissed her head from behind.
“It’s pretty clear the guy can’t keep his hands off any woman,” analyst Dirk Quanto said. “I mean, in every press conference he’s breathing down some poor woman’s neck. And these are public press conferences!”
There are still some original #IBelieveHer hand-printed signs available on the online store, but the T-shirts are gone. In their place, new T-shirts promoting #She’sFreeToBelieveWhatSheWants were posted.
The Democratic National Committee is under fire after allegations that Russian hackers have infiltrated the party and injected all despicable people into the primary.