Joe Biden offers to donate brain to science but science rejects it as ‘Potential Spam’

Good old Uncle Joe Biden has virtually disappeared from sight as we battle COVID-19. Is this by accident? Hell no. The less we hear from him the better his chances of winning the Presidential nomination. And he knows it.
The stuff coming from this guy’s mouth is making so little sense these days we almost feel sorry for him. But the image of him in the Oval Office with the nuclear football is sobering. His repeatedly putting his home phone number or kid’s birthday is, we must admit, pretty funny, but really really scary.
As Uncle Joe has been sitting around his house in his undies, he’s been thinking. “Come on man, my brain is a big fu*kin’ deal.”
Since his brain really is a big deal, it was easy for him to come up with great ideas. So he calls the Smithsonian and asked if they want his brain. They said definitely not. Not today, not ever. And stop calling us. And stop smelling our operators over the phone. That doesn’t work!
But he persisted, so he had a brain scan. Unfortunately, the report came back, “Potential Spam.” Joe tried to pawn his brain off on Verizon and AT&T, the makers of “Potential Spam.” He kept on dialing a disconnected number in Vanuatu but at least it kept him from smelling anybody for awhile.
Sorry Joe, no takers. Not now. Not ever. Please stop calling.