Minnesota 2021 spring Riot Season set to open this week

MINNEAPOLIS—Minnesota’s 2021 spring Riot Season is set to open in most areas of the state this week. Looters and rioters are required to be licensed with the state in order to burn and pillage local business.
In an effort to help the small business population in specific areas, the season will start two weeks later. The Young Looters Season will begin shortly after each commencement. The season will end toward the end of the summer but no date has yet been posted.
The Riot Season offers a chance for healthy physical activity while maintaining social distancing and a chance to pick up some great TVs and Nikes.
This will be the second spring Riot Season to “Tag Before You Drag” where looters must tag their big game loot in the field prior to moving it. Rioters are able to use Minnesota’s Loot on the Go app to simply E-tag and report their harvest in the field in one easy step, with or without cell phone service, prior to moving it to their car or low-income apartment.
If you do not have a phone, you may steal one from a local small business to download the tagging app.
One flatscreen TV is allowed per day, not to exceed the new spring season limit of three flatscreen TVs total.
“Please remember to be thoughtful as you’re pillaging and destroying your neighborhood businesses,” Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey said. “And make sure you’re licensed to destroy everything in your path.”