Newsom takes break from force-vaccinating people to lecture everyone about bodily autonomy

SACRAMENTO—Governor Gavin Newsom has taken a short break from forcing people to wear masks, stay inside, and getting vaccinated in order to lecture us about bodily autonomy.
“No matter what happens with Roe versus Wade, we in California are going to protect the rights of all people to do what they want with their bodies,” Newsom said at a press conference in front of Planned Parenthood abortion mill.
Newsom promised that bodily autonomy will be protected in all cases as long as it means killing preborn babies. He made it clear that bodily autonomy doesn’t apply to the decision of whether to inject oneself with an experimental vaccine.
“People have a fundamental right to do whatever they want with their own body, except of course if they don’t want a few jabs in the arm. Then, you have to listen to government,” Newsom said.