Schiff begins impeachment hearings to figure out why he’s holding impeachment hearings

Rep. Adam Schiff kicked off the long-awaited impeachment hearings today in order to figure out why he’s holding the impeachment hearings.
“Mr. Trump did some unspeakably impeachable offenses and we are going to find out exactly what those are once we impeach him,” Schiff said.
His sentiment was echoed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who for months resisted efforts to launch impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump. She said, “We need to impeach Trump to find out what he did.”
The Democratic leadership has been a hammer in search of a nail ever since Trump took office, first failing in a drawn-out Russia investigation, then a shorter-lived Ukraine investigation, then an even shorter-lived mattress tag investigation.
But Schiff thinks they finally have the dirt to impeach a standing president of the United States in order to find out what he did.
“It’s clear that we don’t have anything to impeach him on so we need to impeach him to make that clear and to find out what we impeached him for,” Schiff added. “Make no mistake, justice will be served.”
“The actions of the Trump presidency revealed the dishonorable fact of the president’s betrayal of his oath of office, betrayal of our national security, and betrayal of the integrity of our elections,” she continued. “And we will tell you exactly what he did once we figure that out.”
The Democratic leadership has been a hammer in search of a nail ever since Trump took office, first failing in a drawn-out Russia investigation, then a shorter-lived Ukraine investigation, then an even shorter-lived mattress tag investigation.
But Pelosi thinks they finally have the dirt to impeach a standing president of the United States in order to find out what he did.
“It’s clear that we don’t have anything to impeach him on so we need to impeach him to make that clear and to find out what we impeached him for,” Pelosi added. “Make no mistake, justice will be served.”
“The actions of the Trump presidency revealed the dishonorable fact of the president’s betrayal of his oath of office, betrayal of our national security, and betrayal of the integrity of our elections,” she continued. “And we will tell you exactly what he did once we figure that out.”