Most diverse Congress ever sworn in includes living turd

It was a historic swearing in ceremony Thursday as the most diverse United States House of Representatives was sworn in at the Capitol.
The class of 2019 includes 55 African Americans, 3 Muslims, 100 women, and a living turd named Chet.
Chet (@ChetTheTurd) first gained prominence in his appearance in the ’80s pop film Weird Science, but has made it to the hallowed halls of Congress after being elected on an anti-Trump campaign.
“Congress is finally starting to represent America,” staffer Chelsea Townsend said of the new class. “Diversity is the most important thing and it’s about time we stopped excluding living turds from representing Americans.”
Chet, who doesn’t have a last name, rejected being sworn in with a Bible and instead chose toilet paper.
When asked if people are ready to have a living turd in Congress, a guest of the ceremony said, “If people aren’t ready for a living turd in Congress then they are bigots, plain and simple!”