After Harris’s departure, only 174 Democratic candidates left in the 2020 race

Following the departure of Kamala Harris from the 2020 Democratic presidential race, there are just 174 officially announced candidates left in the race.
There are still more candidates campaigning in Iowa than there are voters.
“We’re really getting down to the nitty gritty,” political analyst Barney Smith said. “There are just 174 more people Hillary Clinton and the Democratic machine need to intimidate in order for her to get back in the race!”
Each Democrat is offering a few more freebies than the next guy with a grand total of $74 quintillion and counting.
“It’s really anyone’s race. The Democrats feel that if Trump can beat Hillary Clinton, then anyone can win and so anyone and everyone is running. Even everyone’s mother is running for president!” Smith added.
Since it is likely that everyone will vote for him or herself, the only determining factor will be the deceased vote, which played such a big role in the 2016 election.