BREAKING: CNN to air constant reruns of Trump townhall to boost ratings

ATLANTA—In a desperate attempt to boost their ratings, CNN has announced that they will be foregoing all other programming and will be airing constant reruns of the recent Donald Trump townhall, which drew in record-breaking viewership numbers.
“We’ve never seen anything like it,” said a CNN executive. “People just can’t get enough of the former President. So, we’ve decided to give the people what they want and air nothing but Trump townhall reruns 24/7.”
The move has been met with mixed reactions, with some viewers ecstatic about the constant Trump coverage, while others are calling for CNN to cover more diverse and important news stories.
“It’s brilliant! I could watch Trump all day, every day,” exclaimed one viewer.
However, others are less impressed. “I mean, come on CNN, can we please focus on something else for once? There are other important issues and news stories that need to be covered,” said another viewer.
CNN has also announced that they will be bringing back several former Trump advisors and supporters as regular contributors to the network, in an effort to maintain their record-breaking ratings.
“We’re not just going to show the reruns, we want to provide insightful analysis and commentary on Trump’s townhall appearances,” said the CNN executive. “Who better to provide that commentary than the people who worked closely with him?”
Only time will tell if this strategy will pay off for CNN, or if it will lead to even more viewers tuning out of the network altogether.