BREAKING: Congress votes to move US-Mexico border wall to Ukraine

In a bipartisan vote, the US House of Representatives voted to send the border wall between US and Mexico to Ukraine to help protect the country from amassing hordes at the Ukraine-Russia border. An amendment to the resolution ensures that any money that was to be used for the defense of the US-Mexico border would instead be used in Ukraine.
President* Joe Biden was expected to have his handlers sign the bill into law.
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, accused of melting down about the issue in a meeting, said, “We are the United States of America. We are the world’s policemen and we pay to protect other borders not our own!”
Senate Republicans were in agreement for the most part.
“Those Russians could literally transform the Ukraine for the worst. I’m talking putting a drain on the welfare system and shocking the electoral system,” Sen. Lindsay Graham said. “We need to stop it. Can you just imagine if there was an invading horde attacking America?”
“We need to send our border wall over to the Ukraine to see what is in it,” Pelosi said.