BREAKING: Trump finally concedes the election in Massachusetts

WASHINGTON DC—Nearly a month after the election, President Donald Trump has finally conceded the state of Massachusetts.
“It really doesn’t look good for us in Massachusetts, I have to be honest,” Trump said at a press conference announcing the concession. “Really when you look at the state, it’s all blue. They would vote for human turd if it had a D in front of its name, they really would. So, I’m conceding the state of Massachusetts in the 2020 presidential election. We’re not going to win Mass., unfortunately.”
Massachusetts gives a total of 11 electoral college votes. That puts Biden at 11 total electoral votes to Trump’s 232 going into the Thanksgiving holiday.
“You know, I thought we really had a chance in Massachusetts—I mean we won New York pretty handedly, but they really just don’t like me there,” Trump said.

“Not one county—can you believe that?—not one county went for me. And I don’t think there were any reports of fraud unlike in Philadelphia, Detroit, and Las Vegas. They just actually voted for Biden for some reason,” Trump said.
Genesius Times has already officially called the race for Kanye West, but the other contenders haven’t conceded yet.