Conservative transgender fired from Drag Queen Story Hour for ‘just sitting there reading’

Conservative transgender woman Beatrice Arnold was fired from a Pittsburgh area library Drag Queen Story Hour for not being perverted enough.
“She was just sitting there reading,” transgender organizer Harrie Ballzac said. “She didn’t flash her genitals at the kids, she didn’t start twerking a large ass at the kids, and she didn’t lay on the ground and tell the kids to lay on her. It’s was really awful. What does she think this is about? Reading?”
Organizers say the worst part was that Arnold wore a “Keep America Great” sticker during the reading.
“What does she think this is? Reading an actual story? No! This is purely for cultural indoctrination and to normalize pedophilia and abnormal sexualities.”
Arnold said that she really cared about reading and wanted to instill an enjoyment of the activity in the children.
“Reading is so important and I wanted to encourage that. I guess that’s not the point,” Arnold said.