Feminists cry sexism as Covid 19 disproportionately infects men


Globally, feminists have been triggered. It turns out, as fate would have it, that the Coronavirus is disproportionately infecting men.

Cheryl Watkins, of Lesbians United Against Patriarchy—upon finding out about this literal viral gender snubbing—decided to storm Washington and do what feminists do best… Whine about it really loudly. “It’s not fair. Why would a virus do this. We have worked so hard for equality, and then a pandemic comes along and threatens to undermine all of our gains.”

She shot off some angry blog posts over the matter, such titles including: Who does this Coronavirus really think it is anyway, Girl Power Interrupted, Equality not now: Apparently, Oh Covid 19 Why must you Discriminate, etc… In the process, Cheryl got the blue haired pussyhat patrol 9 kinds of fired up. A few of the Genesiustimes loyal readers emailed the editor, to report hearing a collective screech in the northeast loud enough to get the dogs howling.

Then they started marching. We’ll see how the Coronavirus responds to this latest development of #girlpower.


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