Hooked on Phonics releases ‘How to Argue Like a Liberal’ course

The educational program Hooked on Phonics has released an innovative new course entitled “How to Argue Like a Liberal,” complete with lessons on:
- Screaming at the top of your lungs when something you don’t like happens
- Screaming at the top of your lungs when you see something offensive, and
- Screaming at the top of your lungs when someone famous dies too early than you would like.
“I have been astounded at how easily my 3- and 4-year-olds have picked this stuff up! I thought it would take months to learn how to argue like a liberal, but thanks to Hooked on Phonics, it’s been very easy and natural to them,” Flora White, parent on the program said.
One of the newest features of this program is teaching small children how to convey an oral argument to millions of people through social media platforms like TikTok.
“They taught us how to sign up for a TikTok account, push a button, and scream into the camera for 2 minutes straight. It’s very informative. There’s even a section that teaches kids to burn their parents’ house down because someone didn’t do what you wanted!” White added.
The company has had to overcome the pandemic and technological obstacles hindering delivery of the program, but they have managed.
“Pretty soon, we’re going to have a nation full of small kids arguing like liberals—that is to say screaming and crying into their phones,” Phonics CEO Brett Peters said.
The instructors for the first “How to Argue Like a Liberal” course can be seen in this short montage: