MS-13 gang members threaten to leave US if Trump is reelected

US—Following the lead of celebrities who have threatened to leave the US is Trump is reelected, members of the notorious gang MS-13 have threatened to leave the US and go terrorize another country if Trump wins November 3rd.
“We aren’t kidding. If Trump is reelected, we will take it personally and we’re going to leave and terrorize Canada or some other country that will make us feel appreciated,” MS-13 Treasurer Enrique Lobos of Hoboken, NJ said.
“If America chooses to be that place then we will have to start thinking about going somewhere else. It is truly disturbing and concerning,” Lobos said.
Many violent MS-13 gang members have said that America is such a horrible racist place that they have felt unwanted and marginalized.
“It’s either Trump or us, ese. If you don’t vote for Biden, we’re out of here!” MS-13 CEO Vic ‘Dos Tacos’ Vasquez said.
Many gang members say they have feelings too.
“We have feelings too, you know? And it will hurt our feelings if you vote for Trump. We will literally move to Canada or the UK if Trump wins again. We aren’t even kidding,” Vasquez added.