Nevada apologizes for technical difficulties while they try to steal the election for Biden

CARSON CITY, NV—Nevada election officials apologized for technical difficulties while they scramble to steal the election for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.
“We’re trying to get the system to show more Biden voters, but actual votes for Trump were so overwhelmingly plentiful, it’s getting very difficult,” Nevada Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske said.
The process is proceeding at “the expected pace for when you’re trying to steal an election,” she said in a press release, adding that the “Michigan and Wisconsin had way more dead people voting than we did so that’s why they were finished earlier.”
Several states have had technical difficulties while they try to steal the election for Biden but Nevada is one of the last to have them.
“We’re going to make sure every fraudulent vote is counted and that takes time,” Cegavske said.
A spokesman for the Biden campaign said, “We stole this election fair and square and we’re not going to let Trump come in and take something that we’ve rightfully stolen away from us.”