New ‘Corona Karen’ Barbie yells at dolls without masks

Mattel is getting into the COVID-19 political fray with a new “Corona Karen” Barbie doll.
The new doll line has a slightly obese woman with a cropped hairdo who incorrectly wears a COVID face mask and barks horrible things at other dolls who don’t wear masks like, “I hope you all die of COVID!”
Mattel says their doll is loosely based on actual mask Karens who berate other people including little children for causing harm to them by not wearing a mask.
Corona Karen also comes with a miniature tape measure she can use to determine if everyone is staying six feet apart and get up in their faces to scream at them if they aren’t.
Mattel CEO, Margerie Sheeple said that the new doll will be a beacon of light in a dark anti-science world.
“We need more women role models like Carona Karen who yell disgusting things at little kids. Our Corona Karen Barbie will make a stand for bad science and bad manners.”
The Corona Karen Barbie follows a trend of several toy makers reflecting current political trends including the Lego Antifa Rioter set.