BREAKING: Schiff has evidence Trump colluded with Russians to rip mattress tags off in 1998

After the Mueller probe into President Trump’s collusion with Russia came up empty, Democratic lawmakers aren’t yielding. Representative Adam Schiff of California is doubling down. He’s now saying that he has evidence that Trump colluded with Russians to rip the tags off his mattresses in 1998.
“Undoubtedly there was collussion,” Schiff said in a press conference. “I’ve seen the mattresses.”
Many have concluded that after the special investigation came up with no indictments that there was no collusion, but some Democrats aren’t giving up.
“We will continue to investigate the collusion. That is, is the president or people around him compromised in any way by a hostile foreign power to interfere with mattress auditing? It doesn’t appear that was any part of Mueller’s report,” Schiff continued.
Schiff has been a vocal critic of President Trump and the principles of a free country of late, calling for media companies to censor certain information.
“No matter what anyone else says, I know in my heart of hearts that Trump is guilty of mattress fraud collusion and I’m going to prove it. The safety of all sleeping Americans depends on it.”