Thousands March to Demand That America Become More Like The Countries They’re Fleeing

A group of tens of thousands of well-dressed poor people marched through the streets of their impoverished Central American countries, straight to the buildings of their corrupt governments and then right past them.
“A group this size can really affect change!” Juan Delgado of Honduras said through a translator. “And we are going to change our countries by changing another country to be more like our country!”
One observer reported, “They literally walked right past the Honduran and Mexican parliament buildings, but did not protest their corrupt governments.”
It appears that this caravan of refugees have no interest in improving their own governments but instead want to make the United States more like Honduras or Mexico.
Aid workers sympathized with the marchers, one of them saying, “These people are hurting. They’re poor and their governments are making it worse with their corrupt socialist policies. The only solution is for the United States to open her borders and become more like these wretched places.”
Mariposa Fuentes of Guatamala said, “We are galvanized and will not back down! But it’s much easier to demand charity from Americans than to demand change that will actually help the citizens of our country.”