Trump installs cousin Johnson as Prime Minister in hostile takeover of UK


In a bold move of international intrigue, US President Donald Trump has installed his cousin, Boris Johnson as Prime Minister in a hostile takeover of the United Kingdom (or as some call it, United Kingston). This move will have far-reaching consequences in the world political landscape.

“It’s pretty clear that Donald Trump and his family want to take over the world and they’re starting by putting his cousin in place as Prime Minister,” British political analyst Piers Fluffernutter said.

This takeover of the United Kingdom by the Trump regime is unprecedented in human history.

“I have the best cousins and the best hostile takeovers,” Trump said. “Johnson is a tremendous cousin. The people of the UK are really going to love him.”

Johnson is a supporter of Brexit, the plan to leave the European Union, which previous PMs have failed to act on in violation of their duty to the British people.


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