Al Gore: ‘Everything you hate is caused by climate change’

Al Gore, former Vice President of the United States and a celebrity in global climate activism addressed the latest cold spell around North America and Europe, saying, “Really cold weather is a direct result of global warming.”
“War is a result of climate change; the migrant crisis is a result of climate change; mosquitoes are a result of climate change; times when you really need to go to the bathroom and the only stall is occupied are caused by climate change; and even the DMV and IRS are a result of climate change. Everything you hate is caused by climate change—or as we like to call it nowadays, global climate scapegoat.”
Gore made the comments at a hotel where a conference on global warming was to be held but was cancelled due to the Antarctica-like freezing temperatures.
“If you hate hot weather, that’s climate change. If you hate cold weather, that’s climate change. If you hate rain or drought, that’s climate change. If you hate little bunny rabbits . . . you guessed it, climate change.”
When asked how so many things can be the result of climate change, Gore just smirked before asking, “Are you denying the 105% consensus of scientists on climate change?”
“So much is at stake and that is why we must do continue to work hard and reduce pollution. Everyone needs to play their part. I’ve said this all along from my 7 trillion kWH ranch in Tennessee.”
Gore said that he would take some time off and enjoy the -50 degree weather because, “this is probably the last you’ll ever see snow anywhere on earth,” then fly around on his private, gas-guzzling jet.
Gore has been known for making predictions that didn’t come true. In 2000, he asserted that the Arctic polar ice cap would be gone by 2015.