BREAKING: Brave protesters leave their homes to tell others to not leave their homes

Brave protesters from around the country have left their homes to tell others to not leave their homes during the COVID-19 crisis.
“How dare you leave your home to protest the stay-at-home order?” one protester named Karen Dolittle said after leaving her home to protest protesters. She and others protested the protesters of California’s strict stay-at-home order.
Many are calling the act brave and stunning and stunning and brave.
“Our protest is essential,” Dolittle said behind a surgical mask collecting pathogens in a Pitre-dish-like environment near her nose and mouth. “It is necessary for us to break the stay-at-home order so that we can tell others not to break the stay-at-home order.”
Health officials have declared a new crisis since many people aren’t scared of their first crisis.
“I’m here to tell you how dare you think that you can tell us how dare you!” Dolittle added.