Champ and Major testify before Bidengait Senate Committee: ‘Kamala was behind attack on Joe’

WASHINGTON DC—’Bidengait‘ erupts in the capitol as the Senate Intelligence committee investigates a possible conspiracy inside the Biden administration to hobble the President Elect. It is uncertain if Biden’s dogs, Champ and Major were called as witnesses or co-conspirators, they sat for over three hours this morning as senators made political statements and did little questioning.
The dogs kept the ‘Shower incident’ facts to themselves so the committee had to rely on the every changing story coming out of the Biden transition team.
Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas nominated the dogs for the Nobel Peace Prize and strangely, Kamala Harris berated the dogs for quitting before the job was finished although she denied being any involvement. Senator Susan Collins of Maine promised German Shepherds a better working environment while Senator Mark Warner called for a Canine Covid Quarantine in his home state of Virginia.
When asked about the incident, President Elect Joe Biden sat, continually smiling and said, “I like it when doggies lick my face. They’re like little kisses from angels. Doggies smell good. Tell Jill I’m ready for my bath with the bubble-soap.”