How many people have to die before we enact common sense Alec Baldwin control?

When our great President Joe Biden said that white supremacy is the number one problem facing America, he wasn’t joking.
And we saw the results again yesterday when the crazed white supremacist Alec Baldwin went on a shooting spree on the set of the film “Rust”.
I don’t know who needs to hear this rhetorical question, but how many people have to die before we enact common sense Alec Baldwin control?
Now, I have never heard of Alec Baldwin before—evidently he’s a popular b-actor—but I do know that everyone with a gun is a white supremacist and this was a mass shooting, so he clearly needs to be destroyed.
Just look at his past tweets:

The man is a monster.
It’s not really clear what the motives of this white supremacist is, but what is clear, from public opinion polling, is that Americans believe Alec Baldwin violence is a problem, and they support more restrictions on him.
I’m so triggered by this. Ugh I can’t even say triggered without thinking of that white supremacist shooting more people!
I need at least three weeks off from my Asexual Trans-species Studies courses.