Make-A-Wish Foundation now requires kids to undergo sex change and CRT indoctrination for granted wishes

Make-A-Wish America CEO Richard Davis announced the foundation will grant wishes only for children who undergo Critical Race Theory training and surgically transition into one of the other 192 other genders.
“Our mission is to bring joy to our most fragile children. We can only achieve that by first making them hate themselves, their bodies, their neighbors, their country and of course, white people,” Davis said.
Davis established that terminally ill children must fulfill the guidelines before applying for the Foundation’s aid: “All participants and their families must mutilate their bodies and burn an American flag for wish consideration.”
Sick children who request a wish without denouncing their whiteness will instead receive a powerbomb through a hospital bed courtesy of John Cena.
UPDATE: Following public backlash, the organization appears to have changed its policy with an updated statement. Their policy now reads: “We now understand gender transition may be too difficult for those children raised in two-parent households. Make-A-Wish no longer requires reassignment surgery but will instead settle for participants to have pink hair and Antifa membership to receive a wish.”