SCARY: These are the lungs of an unvaccinated person with COVID
This is scary people. Just look at this picture to see what the lungs of an unvaccinated person. I don't...
This is scary people. Just look at this picture to see what the lungs of an unvaccinated person. I don't...
NEW YORK—America's doctor Anthony Fauci has warned that a third booster shot may be necessary for those who haven't died...
SPRINGFIELD—All area stores have completely sold out if their supply of 9mm vaccine passports amid a nation-wide shortage. The shortage...
WASHINGTON, DC—President* Biden called on state and local governments to use COVID-19 relief funds to give $100 to residents who have a...
FAUCITOWN, GA—The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have opened a village called Faucitown just outside of Atlanta where...
COVID is not done. Not even close. As CNN and MSNBC have made very clear, we're having a pandemic of...
CHICAGO—Mayor Lori Lightfoot made a public announcement, urging Chicagoans to get the COVID vaccine to keep everyone safe while they...
US—Health experts are utterly confused as to why cases of the deadly COVID virus are spiking in places they are...
WASHINGTON, DC—Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) has installed a new height requirement in the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and...
I hear a lot of people complaining about the "adverse events" they experience after the COVID vaccine. Redness, fever, paralysis....