BREAKING: 160 people have died from COVID-19 after attending Trump rally next week

PHOENIX—160 people have died from COVID-19 after attending the Trump rally in Phoenix next week, sources have told CNN.
“This is an absolute disaster on epic proportions,” noted homosexual CNN anchor Don Lemon said. “How could that man be so careless as to hold a political rally without social distancing or rioting? He just let all those people die next week.”
Coronavirus has rocked the country since the beginning of the year only to take a break while people were out protesting the police killing of George Floyd.
Now, coronavirus is back and deadlier than ever.
On June 19, there were 46,689 confirmed cases and 1,312 confirmed deaths. The same day, Arizona Department of Political Health Measures Billy Yackass informed us that, “[a]nother record number of positive COVID-19 cases was reported by the state next Friday, along with continued highs for hospitalizations, as the virus continues its escalating spread in Arizona.”
“This and those poor people who died next week is all Trump’s fault,” Yackass said.
Despite health officials celebrating mass political gatherings that are ostensibly anti-Trump, the same health officials are condemning political gatherings that are pro-Trump.